Required Prior Knowledge


Solve this pair of simultaneous equations.

$$\begin{matrix}5x & + & 9y & = & -14 \\ 2x & + & 6y & = & 4 \end{matrix}$$


Get Ready


What is the same and what is different about these three sequences?

$$3, 8, 13, 18, 23, …$$

$$u_{1}=3, u_{n+1}=u_{n}+8$$




An arithmetic sequence is a sequence where successive terms differ by the same amount.

This difference between terms is known as the common difference and is usually denoted with \(d\).

A sequence is arithmetic if and only if \(u_{n+1}-u_{n}=d\) for all \(n\in\mathbb{Z}^{+}\).

That is, if $$u_{2}-u_{1}=u_{3}-u_{2}=u_{4}-u_{3}=d$$

Consider the arithmetic sequence with \(u_{1}=3\) and \(d=2\).

Work out:






  • \(u_{2}=3+2=5\)





Now consider the arithmetic sequence with \(u_{1}=u_{1}\) and \(d=d\).

Work out:







This means that for arithmetic sequences: $$u_{n}=u_{1}+\left(n-1\right)d$$

Examples and Your Turns


Find the \(10\)th term of the arithmetic sequence \(19, 25, 31, 37, …\)

Your Turn

Find the \(15\)th term of the arithmetic sequence \(5, -3, -11, -19, …\)


The second term of an arithmetic sequence is \(15\) and the fifth term is \(21\). Find the \(12\)th term of the sequence.

Your Turn

For an arithmetic sequence we know that \(u_{3}=8\) and \(u_{8}=-17\). Find the value of \(u_{24}\).

Your Turn

Find the number of terms in the arithmetic sequence \(50, 47, 44, …, 14\).

Your Turn

An arithmetic progression has first term \(5\) and common difference \(7\). What is the term number of \(355\) in this progression?

Your Turn

Find \(k\) given that \(3k+1, k\) and \(-3\) are consecutive terms in an arithmetic sequence.

Your Turn

Three numbers are consecutive terms in an arithmetic sequence. Their sum is \(48\) and their product is \(2800\). Find the three numbers.


Consider this problem: what is the sum of the integers from \(1\) to \(100\)?

Consider the general arithmetic series with first term \(u_{1}\) and common difference \(d\).

$$\begin{matrix} S_{n} & = & u_{1} & + & u_{2} & + & u_{3} & + & u_{4} & + & … & + & u_{n} \\ S_{n} & = & u_{1} & + & u_{1}+d & + & \qquad & + & \qquad & + & … & + & \qquad\end{matrix}$$

If we write this series twice, once in order and once with the terms in reverse we get:

$$\begin{matrix} S_{n} & = & u_{1} & + & u_{1}+d & + & \qquad & + & \qquad & + & … & + & \qquad \\ S_{n} & = & \qquad & + & \qquad & + & \qquad & + & \qquad & + & … & + & u_{1}\end{matrix}$$

Adding these two equations together we get

$$2S_{n} = \underbrace{\begin{matrix}\qquad & + & \qquad & + & \qquad & + & \qquad & + & … & + & \qquad \end{matrix}}_{\qquad \text{times}}$$

This leads us to the following formulae for arithmetic series: $$S_{n}=\frac{n}{2}\left(u_{1}+u_{n}\right)=\frac{n}{2}\left(2u_{1}+\left(n-1\right)d\right)$$

Examples and Your Turns


The first term of an arithmetic sequence is \(2\) and the last term is \(26\). The series has \(9\) terms. Find the sum of the series.

Your Turn

Find the sum of the series $$-6+1+8+15+…+141$$

Your Turn

Consider the arithmetic sequence which starts $$2x+3y, 3x+2y,4x+y, …$$

Determine the sum of the first \(7\) terms of this series.

Your Turn

The first term of an arithmetic sequence is \(25\) and the fourth term is \(13\). The sum of the series is \(-119\).

Find the number of terms in the series.

Your Turn

Consider the sequence of odd numbers \(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, …\)

a) State the general term \(u_{n}\) for this sequence.

b) Evaluate the following:






c) What do you notice about your results? Make a conjecture.

d) Prove your conjecture using the formula for the sum of an arithmetic series.

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Key Facts

Use this applet to generate a prompt for a Key Fact that you need to know for the course. The idea is that you should KNOW these key facts in order to be able to solve problems.